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Original price was: $4,500.00.Current price is: $3,500.00.

Buy Maltese passport online: The Maltese passport (Maltese: passaport Malti) is a passport that is issued to citizens of the Republic of Malta. Every Maltese citizen is also a citizen of the European Union and a Commonwealth citizen. The passport, along with the national identity card, allows for free rights of movement and residence in all member states of the European Economic Area, as well as Switzerland.

Buy Maltese passport online: The passport contains a note from the issuing authority addressed to the authorities of all other states, identifying the bearer as a citizen of Malta and requesting that they be allowed to pass and be treated according to international norms. The note inside of a Maltese passport states: renew maltese passport online, maltese passport application online, malta passport online application, malta passport, maltese passport, can i renew my maltese passport online, malta passport verification online

The Maltese Government requests all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance and to afford the bearer every assistance and protection as may be necessary. Every citizen of the Union shall, in the territory of a non-EU country in which the Member State of which he is a national is not represented, be entitled to protection by the diplomatic or consular authorities of any Member State, on the same conditions of the nationals of that State.

Malta began a citizenship by investment scheme in 2014 known as the Individual Investor Programme (IIP) where non-citizens could apply for Maltese citizenship in exchange for a significant contribution to a national development fund and other Maltese investments, contingent on maintaining residence in Malta and passing criminal background checks. Henley & Partners was originally appointed as sole agent to administer the IIP, but the Maltese government later opened the scheme to Maltese firms too. The procedure is overseen by the Citizenship Unit of the government’s Identity Malta Agency.

Buy Maltese passport online: The number and background of persons granted Maltese citizenship based on investment is unknown, as the Maltese government does not publish such data. Malta’s Data Protection Commissioner confirmed that the publication of the number of passport buyers and their country of origin “may prejudice relations with a number of the countries of origin” and that revealing the agencies that handled their application “could reasonably be expected to prejudice commercial interests and, ultimately, the competitiveness of approved agents as it would reveal commercially-sensitive information”. maltese passport application, maltese passport application form for australian, maltese passport cost, maltese passport application uk, application renewal passport, applikazzjoni ghal passport, download form passport application, passport office malta opening hours

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